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How to care of your furniture’s
Furniture are part of our lives every day. To maintain its beauty and for a long-lasting condition wood furniture needs the right care. Getting furniture that matches your home's decor as well suiting the family requirements is a tough job. This is why you need to pay special attention to the needs of your furniture. If you take care of it, you can get furniture that will last you a lifetime and look as good as new.
Improper handling of furniture is one of the main causes of damage and deterioration. Lifting or moving furniture improperly can cause joints to weaken and thin legs, rails, or arms to break under pressure. In addition, natural skin oils, perfume residues, lotions, and dirt on your hands can transfer onto surfaces and then chemically alter the material—this is especially true with unfinished wood.
Visible and ultraviolet light from sunlight, as well as light from artificial sources can fade away the wax finishes. Don’t keep your furniture in direct sunlight or near any sources of heat or water. You’ll notice that a table placed near a window, in direct sunlight and rain, will warp, get discoloured and weaken in no time. If you place your table in the shade, away from sources of heat, it will remain in good condition for much longer.
Tap the furniture dust regularly, dust tapping will prevent dust that can form a filmy layer and can scratch the surface. Use feather dusters, soft cotton cloth, and microfiber cloth or lamb’s wool dusters. Don’t use anything that could be harsh on your furniture, if you don’t want dust to fly around, then you can use a mildly cloth. Regular housekeeping and monitoring will reduce the amount of dust thereby reducing the damage caused by pests.
Cleaning your furniture
At times dusting is not enough to keep your furniture clean when there is a large stain, what do you do? Well, the answer is to never use harsh chemicals. In this case, you can use a soft cloth that has been dipped in mild soap or detergent dissolved in water. Once you’re done with this, use a cloth dipped in plain water to wash off any traces of detergent from the wood.
Protect your furniture
When polishing your furniture, or use a protective spray, make sure to read the ingredients of what goes into these store-bought products. Many of them contain petroleum distillates or silicone oils, these again leave a thin film on your wood, while it works to keep your furniture looking fresh it also attracts a lot of dust in the process. It’s better to use homemade furniture polishes.
These are just a few ways in which you can keep your furniture looking and smelling good throughout the year. If you need some professional care for your furniture maintenance, then call Nimmadhi. Our professional, trained and experienced team will help get your furniture back in well condition.