Precautions to be taken during Rainy Season

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    Precautions to be taken during Rainy Season
    Nimmadhi December 13, 2019

    Precautions to be taken during Rainy Season

    Precautions to be taken during Rainy Season

    The monsoons have arrived. Rains are a great delight especially after the scorching heat of summer. The cloudy sky, the downpour and lush around make the season a beautiful time to enjoy and get relief from the hot sweaty summer.

    But monsoons also brings several diseases due to change of weather, food, water contamination, breeding of mosquitoes in stagnated waters. Many people get sick during the monsoon as the damp and filthy conditions give the insects and pathogenic micro-organisms a good scope to multiply and spread diseases like dengue, malaria, typhoid, viral fever, common cold, gastrointestinal disturbances etc.

    Follow a healthy diet

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    During the monsoon, your body is prone to infections. Most diseases in the rainy season are waterborne, So drinking filtered or boiled water is essential. Avoiding raw foods like salads is also beneficial to stay healthy in this season.

    Wear good quality footwear

    One of the most important precautions to be taken during the rainy season is to ensure that you are wearing footwear that does not slip easily or you may fall down and injure yourself.

    Avoid eating street foods

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    Eating street food is one of the biggest causes of various diseases in the monsoon. Outside foods are prepared in unhygienic conditions and are prone to various infections. Then its also prepared by old oil or reused oil. During monsoon days have to avoid oil fried food items. It is recommended you to eat hot home-prepared food to stay healthy.

    Keep mosquitoes out

    Stagnant water results in mosquito breeding. It is important to ensure you keep them out. Maintain cleanliness at home to avoid mosquitoes. Moreover, you must regularly clean flower pots and check the corners to ensure there is no water accumulation. In addition, use mosquito repellent to avoid diseases.

    Indoor Safety

    • Never touch wiring during a thunderstorm.

    • Wired phones are dangerous during thunderstorms.

    • Lightning traveling through telephone wires has killed people.

    • Cell phone and wireless phones are safe.

    • Wait to use any plumbing-sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets. Plumbing can conduct electricity from lightning strikes from outside.

    • Unplug expensive electronics including TV, computers, modem lines when thunderstorms are expected.

    • Stop playing video games connected to the TV.

    Outdoor Safety

    • No place outside is safe from lightning during a thunderstorm. When a storm appears, go to a nearby large building or a fully-enclosed metal-topped vehicle.

    • Keep pets indoors.

    • Lightning and thunder are very scary for pets, and they are likely to panic or even run away to try and escape the storm.

    Nimmadhi giving some precaution to be taken during rainy season:

     Drink plenty of water. Prefer boiled water as drinking clean water is important in order to prevent water-borne diseases.

     Don't forget to carry your umbrella and raincoat with you always.

     Avoid getting wet in the rains.

     Wear full sleeved shirts, pants and socks while going to sleep.

     Use mosquito repellent on the body.

     Avoid eating raw foods during monsoon.

     Wash the vegetables and fruits properly with clean water before consuming.

     Remember to take bath every time you get wet in the rain or after coming back to home as taking a bath helps in normalizing our body temperature.

     Have warm water or herbal tea. Keep your body dry and moderately warm to avoid cold and cough.

    Enjoy the Monsoon with Nimmadhi Tips, just visit We have plenty of houses for you to choose from and you never have to pay any brokerage!

