A House Move-In Checklist

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    Renting A House or Apartment - The Move-In Checklist
    Nimmadhi August 08, 2019

    Renting A House or Apartment - The Move-In Checklist

    Renting A House or Apartment - The Move-In Checklist

    When you are viewing a house or flat to rent rather than buy, you're not just looking at a pile of bricks and mortar - remember that it could be your home for the foreseeable future.

    Of course you will have an instant emotional reaction, but you should balance this with a rational assessment of living there, including the local area and amenities, the condition of the property both inside and out and any associated costs.

    Your own priorities will vary depending on whether you're viewing houses, flats, studio flats or just rooms, but this checklist should act as a basic guide to help keep all your bases covered.

    Outside the Apartment

    • Are there lights in the common areas? Are they lit at all times?

    • Does the roof leak? (Look for staining or mold.)

    • Are the outside areas maintained nicely?

    • Are there hand railings where there are three steps or more?

    • Are the porches safe?

    • Are there any holes, breaks, and loose or rotting boards in the exterior walls or foundation?

    • Where are the garbage cans located? Are they full?

    Bathroom and Kitchen

    • Does your kitchen have cabinets and shelves? What is their condition?

    • Do the drains, toilets, sinks and other plumbing fixtures work well? Turn on the water to check pressure and whether or not it gets hot; and flush the toilets.

    • Turn on the bathroom fan it on to check if it is working.

    • Is the floor easy to clean and in good condition?

    • Is the stove safe and in good repair? Do you smell gas?

    • How does the manager let you know when the water may be off?


    • What condition is the carpet or linoleum in? Is it dirty? Is it curling up? Are there fleas? (A good test for fleas is to wear white socks and take off your shoes, scuff your feet along the carpet - then look for the little critters on your socks.)

    Electric and Water

    • If you have a water heater in your unit is it vented to the outside? (It should not be in your bathroom or bedroom.)

    • Are there any electrical outlets, switches or fixtures that do not operate properly?

    • Do any pipes leak? Open the cabinets under the kitchen and bathroom sinks - these are notorious leaks that renters don't discover at walk-through.

    Once you have decided, Log onto www.nimmadhi.com for a realistic look into your future house. Nimmadhi can find a house to fit your needs.

