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Surviving Summer:Save Water And Money Too This Summer!
The scorching heat has arrived and so has the need for abundant water. This is the season where the significance and the maximum utilisation of water is done. Collectively, people make use of fresh water and think of various ways to save it during summer, as it is required for an array of purposes from cooking to gardening. One can be innovative and come up with various ways to conserve water during this season.
Factually the availability of fresh water is scarce all over the globe, every individual needs to consider this situation and make use of water efficiently in summer. Millions of people all over the sphere witness deaths and ailments due to the lack of water. One can start saving water right from their home. Below are a few tips to conserve water during summer.
• Scrape away all the residues in the vessels before washing them. This will let you use lesser amount of water.
• Keep your kitchen clean every day; this will help you avoid cleaning it frequently by using water.
• Soak the dishes to clean instead of washing them under running water.
• Using a damp cloth to wipe in and around the kitchen rather than making use of running water is advisable.
• Make an economical use of the dish washer in order to prevent the excess usage of water.
• It is advisable to store the drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the tap to run when you need cool water.
• It is always useful to store semi clean water and clean water in two different vessels for various purposes like cleaning dishes, washing hands and vegetables.
• One can make use of the defrosting technique to melt food rather than keeping it under running water.
• Re use the water which is used to wash cereals and greens.
• Installing an instant water heater in the kitchen sink to stop the running water.
• Always take short showers rather than a bath.
• Upgrade your single flush toilet with dual flush toilet.
• If you’re having a bath in the bathtub, plug the bath tub before you turn on the tap.
• It is advisable to install water saving shower head in order to prevent the wastage of water.
• If you spot any leakage or a broken tap, fix it immediately.
• In order to avoid unnecessary flushing one ought to drop the tissues in the trash rather than in the toilet.
• It is a typical habit to leave the tap running while brushing or shaving. Avoid doing these things.
• Install a half flush option on dual flush toilets to save water.
• Having a displacement device in the tank of flush toilets can save you a lot of water every time you flush.
Laundry room:
• Run your washing machine only when you have a full load.
• Avoid running your washing machine often to wash half loads.
• Make sure to adjust the water level to the appropriate load and make use of the economy cycle if your machine has one.
• There are various kinds of water efficient washing machines available in the market. One can make use of them to save water.
• The water pipes in your bathroom has to be insulated, this will result in the faster movement of water and avoid the wastage of water while heating up.
• One can economically make use of water to wash your vehicles as well as water the lawn with the same water.
• Avoid using a hose while washing your car, this can lead to an adequate amount of water wastage. Use a bucket to wash and wipe your car.
• Avoid using water to clean the path and the floor. Use a rake or any cleaning object to clean the path.
• To retain moisture in the soil and avoid excess usage of water for plants, one can add few inches of organic material to the soil.
• One can also cultivate plants which require less water and can adapt to the summer season.
• If you have a sprinkler system in your garden, make sure you keep a frequent check and repair the damages and leaks.
• Water your plants in short session frequently rather than watering them abundantly. This will allow a better water absorption.
• Usage of rainwater for gardening is other purpose is advisable.
• Avoid the installation of water oriented accessories unless the water is recycled.
• Deviate the gutters and the down spouts towards the plants in your garden.
• Watering the plants during the early morning hours will prevent evaporation of water.
• Make use of a timer while watering your garden.
Around your house:
• Adopt a method of rainwater harvesting. This will help you make use of the rainwater and also help in you in recycling water for various purposes.
• If you own a pool, make sure to cover it when not in use.
• Fix all the broken pipes and facets and remember to close the taps tightly after use.
• Make your neighbours aware about water conservation.