Vertical Garden Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

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    Vertical Garden Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind
    Nimmadhi February 21, 2020

    Vertical Garden Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

    Vertical Garden Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

    Vertical gardens are a fun way to garden without spending all your time on your knees in the backyard. They’re great for people with knee or back problems, or for those of us without large, beautiful yards for our displays.

    The creative ideas we have gathered for you are just right for any size space. You can have fresh vegetables, flowers, and herbs whether or not you have a large backyard, deck, or you live in a little apartment.

    Some of these ideas and get inspired for spring!

    1. Hanging Chalkboard Herb Garden

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    A cute chalkboard hanging herb frame that allows you to label your herbs easily is a cute-easy project to do with kids of all ages. Hang a few of these for a quick, easy herb garden that will be hard for pets to get into.

    2. DIY Felt Hanging Planters

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    These cuties are made from old sweaters and a few buttons. The plants are contained within a plastic bag, so don’t worry about the fabric getting gross! These are a great way to spruce up a plain chain link fence.

    3.Hanging Succulent Frame

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    A great way to display a variety of succulent indoor or outdoor .Just be sure to keep the frame flat for a few days after you plant the succulents so all your hard work doesn’t come tumbling down in a mess of potting soil and plants.

    4. Grid Planters

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    The metal grid structure of this vertical garden can be built up to suit your tastes. Want a wall of potted flowers or herbs! You can have a solid, sturdy garden with ease. Perfect for an industrial style home!

    5.Re-purpose an Old Ladder

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    It’s amazing the things you can do with ladders. This cute project trails vines up and down the ladder, places small glass planters on the steps for a delicate, simple garden that looks fantastic.

    6.Old Pipe Planters

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    A few pipes with the top cut off can be hung on the walls or fence to create a cascading vertical garden. Give the pipes a bright paint color and you add color to your garden as well!

    7.DIY Wooden Pallet and Terra Cotta Planter

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    A DIY vertical planter made from an old wooden pallet, hooks, and plain old terra cotta planters. The simple design allows it to easily lean against the house, or against the fence.

    8.Pop Bottle Wall

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    Who doesn’t have a ton of pop bottles lying around? These can be easily hung in rows by threading thin rope through either side of the bottle. Just don’t forget to wash out those bottles first!

